5 Guaranteed Techniques for Writing an SEO-Friendly Press Release Headline

1 year ago 262

5 Proven Ways to Write an SEO Friendly Headline for your Press Release


The headline is the most important part of your video news release template. It will be there in front of your readers long after they’ve finished reading your full text, so it needs to be engaging, informative and shareable. That said, writing an SEO-friendly headline isn’t always easy – or even possible for some categories of news releases. But if you follow these simple steps, you can create headlines that attract readers who are looking for information about what you have to say.

Write like a journalist.

  • Write like a journalist.

  • Use active voice.

  • Use present tense, not past or future.

  • Use the inverted pyramid style of writing: start with the most important information and work down to details, rather than starting at the bottom and working up to the top.

  • Write short sentences, paragraphs (these should be no more than five lines), and words—and use active verbs where possible! Don't rely on adjectives alone; they're not as effective in getting your point across as nouns and verbs are when used properly together at all times throughout your content creation process (which means if you don't know what those terms mean yet then it's time for us both).

Write your headline first.

  • Write your headline first

This is the most important thing you can do to ensure that your music video press release gets read, and not only by those who have been sent it by an editor or reporter. Your headline should be clear, concise, and compelling—and it should focus on the target audience for whom you are writing this for (for example: "Top 10 Ways To Increase Sales By 50%!"). Once you have written a good headline, then write your body of text around it so that it flows naturally from one section into another.

Use numbers, brackets, and parentheses in your headlines.

When it comes to SEO, numbers and brackets are your friends. Here are some examples of how you can use them:

  • Numbers (1–5) – These numbers show up as ranking on search engines like Google or Bing, depending on the range of results that you want to be displayed. For example, if you want your press release to rank in the first five results and nothing else, then simply add 1 or 2 at the end of your headline string so that when someone searches for “news” they see something like “1st Place News Release Found Here!” instead of just plain old "News." You may also want to include an additional number at this point (e.g., 3rd or 3rd+) if there are multiple separate articles being published about one topic; otherwise someone might mistakenly think that each article was unique when really only one existed due to its placement in relation with other similar pieces published elsewhere online too quickly after each other's posting time expired--which probably wouldn't make sense anyway because everyone knows how busy writers get nowadays...

Use power words to add emotion.

Power words are the core of any good headline, and they're also what will make your press release for music video stand out from other content. A power word is a word that evokes an emotion in the reader—and it should be something you want them to feel when they read your headlines. To use power words effectively, think about what words would evoke the emotion you want to convey in your readers:

  • Passion

  • Excitement

  • Pride

  • Hope (or even fear!)

You can use these emotions as a guide for creating powerful headlines by adding them into the beginning or end of sentences in order to create an impactful message. For example: "The Company Is Fully Funded!" is more powerful than "The Company Has Been Funded." This is because "fully funded" implies excitement while still leaving room for doubt; whereas "has been funded" leaves no room for doubt at all—and makes it seem like someone might have been lying about getting funding!

Use your target keyword(s) at the start of your headline.

  • Use the keyword in the first sentence of your press release. This can be as simple as “SEO Friendly Headline” or more complex like “The World’s First SEO Friendly Headline.”

  • Repeat this in every paragraph, starting with the first paragraph and continuing until you run out of ideas. If you have a long list of keywords to choose from, use them all!

  • In your headline, include at least one keyword phrase (or two) that relates directly to what you want readers to know about your product or service. For example: "The World's First SEO Friendly Headline", "New Software That Helps Search Engine Optimization", etc...

With a little practice, you can write SEO-friendly headlines for your press releases that readers will love

Speaking of headlines, they're important. They're the first thing that readers see and they're also an important part of your press release.

Headlines should be relevant to your target audience, unique and interesting enough to draw attention from search engines, optimized for search engines (SEO friendly), and easy on the eye.


We hope these tips are helpful to you, and that they help your video news release techniques get the SEO boost it needs. As we’ve discussed, there are many things to consider when crafting an effective headline: What will make my audience take notice? How can I get them to share this with their friends? Is there anything unique about my story that makes it worth reading? These are just some of the questions that come up when writing headlines for press releases.

In order for readers to understand what you’re trying say in your headline, they need enough context so that they know exactly where it fits into its surrounding content—and this is why using numbers, brackets or parentheses can be helpful! By using both power words (such as "the first" or "more than") and emotional words ("excited" or "loved"), people will feel more attached emotionally towards what's being written about on paper instead of just seeing a bunch of letters floating around on screen. The key takeaway here is making sure each word does something unique compared with others in order not only make your headline stand out but also grab attention quickly from potential readers."

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