Spiritually Speaking: Stewardship Demands Public Acknowledgement

My word for today is steward or stewardship. I haven’t found this very important word in the Bible yet, but I have heard many a pastor preach on it. From the pulpit I’ve heard the question asked, “Are we...

Spiritually Speaking: Stewardship Demands Public Acknowledgement

By Alexis Grace | on September 19, 2021

By James Washington | The Atlanta Voice

My connection for contiguous is steward oregon stewardship. I haven’t recovered this precise important connection successful the Bible yet, but I person heard galore a pastor preach connected it. From the pulpit I’ve heard the question asked, “Are we bully stewards of our ain sexuality?”  I person personally received the connection of stewardship arsenic it has related to tithing. However, I indispensable admit that it wasn’t until I heard idiosyncratic inquire the Lord (in prayer) to beryllium a bully steward of His Word that the word truly deed home. On galore occasions I person prayed to beryllium a worthy vas for the Holy Spirit. Face down successful prayer, I’ve asked my Lord and Savior to bare maine of each of those quality characteristics that would prohibit the Holy Spirit from residing successful me. My thought was and continues to beryllium that immoderate (and I bash mean any) abstraction successful my psyche oregon my bosom that could really beryllium bully capable for a dwelling spot for Him, would successful immoderate mode beryllium an denotation of my effort to unrecorded a bully Christian life. It is my mode of asking God for help. 

I americium often reminded that I’ll ne'er beryllium worthy of specified a petition but, God loves maine truthful overmuch that He has already fixed maine this large and fantastic gift. It’s conscionable precise hard for maine to judge it. But arsenic you tin see, I’m moving connected it. My constituent is that stewardship oregon being a bully steward is an action. It calls for an effort. When I heard the supplication calling connected the Lord to beryllium a bully steward of His Word, I instantly thought astir what that would mean for me. I came to the decision that if 1 was a bully steward for God’s Word, past that Word should beryllium nurtured and cultivated for 1 intent and 1 intent only; to carnivore fruit. I’m declaring that you cannot beryllium a bully steward of God’s Word and not carnivore immoderate benignant of fruit. In this lawsuit that effect should beryllium fixed successful specified a mode that others astatine slightest admit that you are a vendor for that fruit. Somebody should spot your effect stand. Either done your behavior, your attitude, your verbal praise, your prayers oregon via immoderate different outward manifestation, the satellite should beryllium capable to spot God’s Word operating successful you. 

Some accidental radical should spot the Christ successful you. When you are viewed by others, determination should beryllium nary question arsenic to who you are and whose you are. I’m conscionable present much convinced than ever that stewardship is simply a verb. The Word cannot reside successful you quietly. It cannot beryllium a concealed lone betwixt you and God. Nor tin it beryllium selectively utilized erstwhile it suits you. The Word is what it is. Like water, it cannot beryllium held back; nor should it be.  Once again, I taxable to you that if you are a kid of God, radical request to perceive you accidental that you cognize who your Daddy is with pridefulness and boldness. I judge that is what is meant by the saying ‘being a bully steward.’ It demands idiosyncratic designation that we admit and stock the information that is successful us. It requires action; the benignant that makes those astir america know, without a shadiness of a doubt, that we judge Christ arsenic our Lord and Savior and God Almighty arsenic the 1 existent God. If those astir you cognize that, past you are so a bully steward successful the concern of bearing fruit. If nary 1 astir you knows this, past possibly you request to spell shopping. 

May God bless and support you always.    

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