The Breakfast Boys restaurant in College Park’s burgeoning restaurant corridor

2 years ago 217

(Photo Credit: Courtesy of the Breakfast Boys)

The sumptuous and succulent paper offerings astatine The Breakfast Boys edifice successful suburban Atlanta are arsenic charismatic arsenic the celebrity-rich ribbon-cutting ceremonial that popped disconnected successful June of this year. 

The Breakfast Boys won’t request the likes of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” prima Cynthia Bailey, “Living Color” prima Terrence C. Carson oregon TV/radio property Gary With the Tea to pull patrons to this zestful edifice that sits comfortably on College Park’s edifice and barroom corridor. Co-owner Lorenzo Wyche’s dynamic paper exudes prima powerfulness each connected its own. 

Wyche is the brainchild down The Breakfast Boys and the designer down these delectable culinary creations that person melodic-sounding names similar pineapple upside-down French toast, jerk chickenhearted and saccharine murphy waffles, coffee-rubbed steak and eggs, and oatmeal brûlée. At the aforesaid time, The Breakfast Boys inactive travel with Southern savoir-faire similar crispy catfish and shrimp & grits. While the delicious flavors creation connected the tongue, patrons tin imbibe connected peach cobbler lattes, margaritas and passionateness effect mimosas. 

The Breakfast Boys is located astatine 3387 Main Street successful College Park and is unfastened from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. connected Mondays done Sundays. 

The different 2 owners discussed the doctrine down the affluent and robust menu.  

“[Lorenzo’s] a meal connoisseur. He knows meal and brunch similar the backmost of his hand,” said Gee Smalls, a co-owner of The Breakfast Boys on with Wyche and Juan Smalls. 

The edifice corridor connected Main Street has go the epicenter for meal and brunch connected Atlanta’s burgeoning southside.  

“Lorenzo was truly honing successful connected what helium anticipated the guests to want, and to person thing for each pallet — thing for the vegan, thing for the meat-eater, and thing for those who emotion sweets.” 

“So our extremity is to present a amended brunch experience,” restaurateur Wyche said. 

He was portion of the squad that opened up Diddy’s restaurant, Justin’s, successful Buckhead. He besides played salient roles successful the opening of the Gocha’s Breakfast Bar, Rock Steady and Breakfast At Barney’s. This clip around, Wyche has tailored the paper towards lighter eats that caters to mostly municipality pistillate sophisticates. 

“It is much owner-driven. They privation what they want,” Wyche explains. “They archer you, ‘I don’t privation to devour the sauce, I privation the condiment connected the side,’ or, you know, ‘a small much greens, a small much seafood.’”

In a affluent twist of irony, Wyche antecedently served arsenic the main advisor erstwhile the Smalls opened up their restaurant, Virgil’s Gullah Kitchen, 3 blocks down connected the aforesaid street. The beardown consciousness of brotherhood betwixt the 3 made it casual for the Smalls to reverse the roles and go advisors and investors successful Wyche’s imagination eatery. 

“We ever had large chemistry and worked really, truly large together,” Gee Smalls said. “So it helps, it works truly well. We each bring antithetic strengths. So it is simply a bully marriage.” 

The fanciful cuisine besides makes for a large matrimony with the flavorful decor and decorations wrong The Breakfast Boys. The trio purposely designed the interior with vibrant colors, textures and decorated the walls with African American artists and painters. Along with the top-notch food, the owners privation you to person an experience. 

“This is whimsical. We privation you to travel successful and spot the antithetic textures and the antithetic patterns, the plants, the strikes, the bubbles, connected the wall,” Juan Smalls. “Everywhere you look is simply a photograph op. Everywhere you look is eye-catching. So you tin conscionable beryllium present and conscionable look astatine the wallpapers, look astatine the signs, look astatine tiles, look astatine the trees and beryllium intrigued.”

The restaurant, therefore, follows Wyche’s perspective, which is antagonistic to the age-old truism that “less is more.” 

“Lorenzo’s happening ‘more is more,’” Gee Smalls added. “You cognize the saying ‘less is more?’ No, Lorenzo is similar ‘more is more,’ from the paper to the decor to the colors, much is more.”

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